Rabu, 25 Maret 2015


Tense (noun): a verb-based method used to indicate the time, and sometimes the continuation or completeness of an action or state in relation to the time speaking. In English there are three basic tenses: present, past and future. Tense consist of complete sentence. Complete sentence consist of subject (S), predicate (P), object (O) and complement (C).


1.       She     is watching     TV     now
            S             P              O       C

2.       She     is    smart 
             S        P        C

# Find the wrong word of the sentence bellow!

1.       Arizona   have   a very dry climate.
                  S           P                    C

Is there anything wrong with the sentence above?

The answer is YES. Let’s take a look, ‘Arizona’ is singular, so you must use ‘HAS’ not ‘HAVE’.

2.      The first steamship to across the Atlantic   were   the Savana   in 1819.
                               S                                                        P               O                 C

Is there anything wrong with the sentence above?

The answer is YES. Let’s take a look, the subject of the sentence is ‘Steamship’ and ‘Steamship’ is singular, so you must use ‘WAS’ not ‘WERE’. And because the sentence is past tense.

3.       My friend, Haris,   is attending   the meeting.
                        S                           P                       C

Is there anything wrong with the sentence above?

The answer is NO. The sentence above is a correct sentence.

4.       Advertising   provide   most of the income for magazine, newspaper, radio, and television in Indonesia today.
                    S                  P                                                                           C

Is there anything wrong with the sentence above?

The answer is YES. Let’s take a look. If there’s (Subject + ing) just remember that is will always a singular. In the sentence above, ‘advertising’ is a singular, so the ‘Provide’ should be ‘PROVIDES’.

Subject is the person or a thing who or which carries out the action of the verb.
Example :
1.    Oxygen is essential for life on earth. 

2.    John F. Kennedy was elected as US President in 1960. 

3.    Honesty is the best policy. 

4.    Horses are majestic animals. 

5.    When students travel to US, they usually go by air. 

The predicate in a sentence is what tells about what a person or a thing does or did or what happened to a person or to a thing?
The predicate must (1) agree in number with subject, (2) have the correct tense and (3) be in the proper voice {active or passive}.
Example :
• Monkeys are destroying the garden. 

In the above sentence, the word “monkeys” is subject. Whereas the phrase “are destroying” is the predicate. And the word “the garden” is the object.
• Mr. Clinton is teaching Algebra to the students 

In the above sentence, the word “Mr. Clinton” is the subject. The phrase “is teaching” is the predicate. The words “Algebra & The students” are objects.
Object :
The object is the person or a thing upon whom or upon which the action of the verb iscarried out.
• Monkeys are destroying the garden. 

In this sentence the action is “destroying”. That action is carried by the monkeys. But the action (destroying) is carried upon the garden. So “Monkeys” is the SUBJECT and “GARDEN” is the object of the verb.


Nama    : Hastyn Haula Ulfah
Kelas    : 3EB10

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